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Booking and cancellation policy

To make a reservation with Hotel Mauberme, you must fill in the online reservation form that you can find on our website.

In case of not finding availability on the chosen dates or wanting additional services that the platform does not allow you to choose from, please contact the hotel by email info@hotelmauberme.com or call us at 973 645 517 and we will respond to you as soon as possible, indicating availability and conditions.

To formalize reservations both online and directly with the Hotel Mauberme, you must pay 35% by credit card or bank transfer according to the detailed information on our platform or that we send you by email, for refundable rates.

In the case of non-refundable online rates, you must pay 100% by credit card or bank transfer according to the detailed information on our platform or that we send you by email. In the case of online reservations, they must make a second payment (35% complementary already made) until reaching the 100% mentioned for the reservation to be valid.

Non-refundable rates will not be entitled to any refund in any case or for any reason (except COVID).

For refundable fees, the following cancellation policy will apply:

Alojamiento* Servicios y Experiencias*
Before 30 days The full amount will be refunded. The full amount will be refunded.
Between 16 – 29 days Leads to the loss of 50% of the total amount. Leads to the loss of 50% of the total amount.
Between 8 – 15 days Leads to the loss of 75% of the total amount. Leads to the loss of 100% of the total amount.
7 days or less Leads to the loss of 100% of the total amount. Leads to the loss of 100% of the total amount.

Some reservations may have particular conditions where the loss of 100% of the reservation is expressly indicated. Reservations with special conditions will be indicated as such at the time of booking.

It is advisable to take out travel insurance. In case of any cancellation of a reservation, even due to force majeure, the cancellation conditions set out here will apply.

Hotel Mauberme – Mountain Boutique Hotel reserves the right of admission.

Check-in from 5pm

Check-out until 11am

Right of revocation in all reservations

48 hours for the exercise of the right from the day the reservation is processed in our system, without the need to justify the decision and without penalty of any kind (the client can only be asked to take charge of the amount of the expenses refund if they exist).

In case of cancellation, the refund, if applicable, will be made in euros. If the amount has been paid in another currency, the difference between the exchange rates may result in a cost for the customer.

These conditions will be applied to reservations made directly with Hotel Mauberme. If your reservation has been made through another booking channel the cancellation policies that will be applied are those indicated by the channel where the reservation was made.

General conditions of our offers

Any modification to the price established in the concepts of accommodation, experiences and/or services, once the dates have been selected, will be considered an offer.
The offers can only be effective by booking directly with Hotel Mauberme by web or e-mail.

These offers can not be accumulated with other offers.

Each specific offer can have additional conditions to the ones exposed above (duration, particularities, dates, etc.) which will be described in each case.

Our Hotel is always in the process of improvement. In this way, we are able to maintain the high quality standards that Hotel Mauberme wants to offer its guests. Sometimes we make small changes in the decoration or furniture that may not be reflected in the photos.

UPDATE 12/18/2020
Given the new measures published by the Government and the Generalitat of Catalonia on December 18, 2020, the following cases of cancellation by COVID apply to those reservations that are framed in the measures authorized by official bodies.
Any reservation made outside of the aforementioned terms will be under the responsibility of the client.
Notwithstanding the above, from Hotel Mauberme – Mountain Boutique Hotel we will work to try to solve each casuistry that is presented to our clients.


Given the exceptional situation we are experiencing due to the COVID pandemic, we guarantee our clients a FULL REFUND OF YOUR BOOKINGS WITH A VOUCHER THAT CAN BE REDEEMED WITHIN 1 YEAR AFTER CANCELLATION (except for expenses already incurred by the reservation), in the event of the following circumstances:

  • CLOSURE OF THE SKI RESORT (in winter season)
  • CONFINEMENT OF YOUR PLACE OF RESIDENCE with a travel ban by the authorities

These restrictions must be in force the day before your arrival, in the event of regulatory measures taken by the authorities during your stay that require an early return to your residence, the return of the remaining days is guaranteed.

In any case, any cancellation must be notified in writing to the email info@hotemauberme.com with the corresponding receipts and be confirmed by the Hotel, NO CANCELLATIONS BY PHONE ARE ALLOWED.

APPLICABLE LEGISLATION: all services and conditions will be regulated by SPANISH LAW.

Le recomendamos a nuestros clientes que siempre consulten el tiempo y previsiones climáticas (tormentas, aludes, etc.), para poder disfrutar de la montaña con seguridad.

A continuación les ofrecemos los siguientes enlaces:

We recommend that our clients always check the weather and weather forecasts (storms, avalanches, etc.), to be able to enjoy the mountain safely.

Below we offer the following links:

The ski season is here!

Come and enjoy the Val D’Aran and Baqueira Beret with us!

Take advantage of our midweek discounts to make the most of winter.

If you have any questions please write to info@hotelmauberme.com